
Board of Trustees

The 澳彩开奖记录 Board of Trustees meets according to the published schedule each year. Board agendas and minutes are available online. Board Meetings and Documents聽禄

澳彩开奖记录 Board Election

There are seven (7) trustees on the 澳彩开奖记录 Board elected at large from the Community College District #503 representing Bureau, Henderson, Henry, Knox, Marshall, Mercer, Rock Island, Stark and Whiteside counties. They are elected during the general election to six-year terms (April to April). A student trustee is elected each year by the student bodies of the Quad-Cities Campus and the East Campus alternating every other year. Student trustee votes are non-binding. Board meetings are held monthly alternating between the Quad-Cities Campus to the East Campus.

澳彩开奖记录 operates under the guidelines of the Illinois Community College Board and the Higher Learning Commission and adheres to federal and state civil rights laws, including Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. The responsibility for the governance, administration and operation of the college is vested in the elected Board of Trustees of Community College District #503. The Board of Trustees delegates responsibility to the administration, faculty and staff for the practices and procedures that accomplish the mission of the college. The legal statutes guiding the operation for 澳彩开奖记录 are found in the Illinois Public Community College Act. The Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA) keeps community colleges abreast of pertinent legislation.



All 澳彩开奖记录 Trustees have completed the mandatory training, as directed by the Illinois Statue. The next cycle of training will be provided by the Illinois Community College Trustees Association in June 2025.